Time to read : 7min.


Author: Adlaw International Published: 18.09.2024


This year’s AdLaw Conference was held in Istanbul, Turkey on September 6, 2024 at the Sheraton Hotel Levent organized by Ms. Bilge Derinbay, heading the NSN Law Firm’s Commercial and Advertising Law Department. At the Conference, which brought together AdLaw members and key players from the advertising and marketing industry as well as local participants, advertising law was addressed from a very broad perspective, and the future of advertising law was discussed particularly in the context of current developments of the industry.

Ms. Derinbay and her team hosted annual general assembly of AdLaw International and this year’s Conference in Türkiye by blazing a trail. Bringing a new dimension to the AdLaw Conference, the NSN Team has extended the participants to the various sector stakeholders working in the field of advertising and marketing law as well as the esteemed AdLaw members. The NSN Team, taking into account the abstract nature of the field and the diversity of stakeholders in the sector, emphasized the importance of sectoral sharing and cooperation with this organization. On the path set out with this vision, the 2024 AdLaw Istanbul Conference was designed to provide both qualified legal discussions and rich networking opportunities. This organization and the diverse range of participants have been highly appreciated by all the participants; the Conference was participated nearly 90 people and was a true success in terms of bringing together local and international advertising law professionals as well as advertiser companies’ legal directors and local advertising authorities in Turkey.

At the conference, representatives from regulatory, supervisory and advisory authorities on advertising law in Türkiye, legal directors of world’s and Turkey’s leading companies that represent a significant majority of the industry with their advertising and marketing activities, advertising law professionals and experts working in the international field came together and shared their experiences in the sector. Considering every detail, Ms. Derinbay and her team provided simultaneous translation service to ensure a smooth conversation among all the participants.

This year’s conference theme was designed as “New Marketing Trends” to provide a platform for comparing the traditional methods with the new techniques and discussing how the new trends will/are doing shape the legal rules. Each presenter approached this theme from a different angle; therefore, a comprehensive and effective knowledge sharing environment was ensured for all the participants.

Adlaw Istanbul Conference started with Ms. Derinbay’s opening speech. In her speech, Ms. Derinbay underlined the dynamic and abstract nature of the advertising law and highlighted the importance of the keeping a close watch on the developments in this field and sectoral communion and sharing.

The conference continued with the speech of Mr. Erdem Biçer, who is the Department Head of the Advertising Board, General Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance of the Ministry of Commerce. Mr. Biçer gave a highly insightful and impressive speech on “Current Developments in Advertising Law”. In his presentation, Mr. Biçer focused on the new trends in advertisements and commercial practices aimed at consumers and how the current approach of the Advertising Board is shaped. As being the regulatory and supervisory authority in the field of advertising and marketing in Turkey, Department Head Mr. Biçer’s speech provided the audience with the opportunity to hear first-hand the most recent developments and approaches in the field of advertising law.

The Conference proceeded with the Mr. Ahmet Pura’s presentation titled “The Advertising Sector: A Retrospective and Forward-Looking Analysis”. As the Chairman of the Advertising Self-Regulatory Board, Mr. Pura addressed the issue from a sectoral perspective and drew attention to the spread of digital advertising and the increase in investments in the area. Furthermore, he made valuable contributions by encouraging the audience to consider advertising and marketing not only from a legal perspective but also from a broader framework such as marketing, economy as well as politics.

The second part of the conference was filled with the great contributions of the AdLaw International members. Mr. Stefan Schröter, the Swiss representative of Adlaw International, partner of MLL Law Firm shared great contributions with this speech on “Green Claims”. Emphasizing that environmental and climate sensitivity has increased especially in recent years, Mr. Schröter focused on the aspects that need to be considered in advertisements shaped with environmental claims. Additionally, he underlined that marketing activities should be prepared in a way not to constitute the practice of greenwashing.

Following this, Mr. Riccardo Rosotto, the representative of Italy at Adlaw International, founding partner of RP Legal Law Firm, made his presentation titled “Balogco - Chiara Ferragni Case in the Context of Influencer Marketing.” As the theme of the Conference was new trends in advertising law, it was of course unacceptable not to mention the concept and power of influencers. The Adlaw Istanbul Conference ended with Mr. Rosotto’s colorful presentation, in which he explained the development of influencer marketing and the Italian authorities’ approaches to this emerging marketing technique through sample cases.

Within the scope of the conference, each speaker addressed the current approaches and trends in the field of advertising law, which is abstract, open to interpretation differences and shaped by evolving regulations, from interconnected but different perspectives. Events such as the AdLaw Istanbul Conference are crucial for enhancing sectoral knowledge sharing in advertising law and promoting a deeper understanding that balances consumer and advertiser perspectives. These organizations also contribute to the advancement of the industry by offering platforms for networking, knowledge exchange, and experience sharing. These contributions provide a comprehensive view of the current and future challenges facing the global advertising sector, especially in light of emerging technologies and changing consumer behavior.

The conference provided participants with the opportunity to communicate directly with officials, provide more in-depth information about the work of government officials, and enhance participants’ networks and understanding of regulatory practices at both national and international levels.

Apart from the Conference, Ms. Derinbay and her team has prepared a great 4-day agenda for the AdLaw participants. Starting from the September 5, there were several organizations addressed at both the networking and bounding between the AdLaw members and to enjoy the beautiful city of Istanbul which is filled with culture and history.

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